Monday, September 07, 2009

Mondo Cable Cardi Done.... sorta

While not quite dry yet... the Mondo Cable Cardi is on the dress form:

I'm very very happy with it... with one major problem.

The sleeves grew about 4" in the blocking. Ya, that's not going to work on my short little arms. So I'll rip back and re-do. Not excited about it, but this is going to get a lot of wear!

The yarn is so wonderful after blocking. It's soft and drapey. Actually, it's almost too soft and drapey, as the collar doesn't really stand up. However, both Matt and I sort of like the collar left open anyway (tho' I can button it if I want the extra warmth). If I make this again (and odds are good that I will), I'll make the neckband a little less high (FYI: I'm sorta short).

I'll also add that it does look very different on my body compared to the dressform (which is very different from my body). The fabric is soft and drapey enough (and I used a no ease sizing for me) that is drapes closer to my figure.

I will get modeled photos (after I fix the sleeves and sew on some buttons). I'll do complete project stats at that point.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't too excited about the Mondo cardi before, but yours looks great. I am looking forward to seeing it on you.


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