Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Housework? What's that?

Okay, let's do a catch up of my knitting from the last two weeks. Well, I only knit last week in the airport/airplane... but still lots to show! (note: all these photos were taken yesterday morning... so all projects are further along than shown).

First up, my Tangled Yoke Cardigan:
Tangled Yoke Cardigan
click to enlarge to see the lovely heathered yarn

This is my third attempt (or is it 4th?) on this cardigan. There are lots of things I love about the pattern, and some things that I knew I was going to have to tweak to get it to fit me right. Right now, things look good with only 25 more rows of waist increasing, then I'll add bust darts. This was definitely the right yarn choice (Bartlett Sportweight) and I love the way the yarn is looking and knitting up.

Next up is a new project:
Hey, Theresa in Cotton Angora (yum)
click to enlarge if you want to see a close up of black yarn in st. st.

This is the Hey Teach I'm knitting for Theresa. Using Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora (which has been delightful to knit and the fabric has a great drape). The deal is I knit this and I get to keep the leftover yarn. I'm adding quite a bit to the length on this (Theresa is much taller than me), but I'm already at the waist ribbing on the back (got a lot done yesterday, eh?).

Finally... the "vacation project", the Kathmandu Gansey:
Kathmandu Gansey
ya, be sure to enlarge this one... the fabric is scrumptious!

While I don't dig knitting with wooden needles, this was perfect for airport/airplane knitting. Around and around in simple st. st. using a wonderful yarn (and the color is just stunning. Gray with a touch of navy and black flecks). Matt's going to love this one. I'm already at the arm gussets on this (Matt's not as tall as Theresa).

I spent very little time yesterday "not" knitting. That's the plan today as well (hey, I spent a lot of time before we left for vacation getting the house ready for our dog sitter... Thanks Kyle!!... so I mean, I'm ahead on the housework thing, right?). So I'll cycle thru these projects... maybe work on an other one or two sitting here. It's nice to be back to our regular routine!

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