Thursday, September 18, 2008

Have a plan... then not stick to it!

Tangled Yoke Cardigan Again
click to enlarge

So I did cast on the Tangled Yoke Cardigan yesterday. I'm using some Bartlett Sport. It's a beautiful color and I'm pretty happy with how it's knitting up (however one day I'll do a rant about this trend of cardigans in one piece... some of us don't mind seaming... and these 300 stitch rows irritate me... ask me how many I've cast on and then got tired of knitting. I like turning my work, feels productive).

Anyway, so I'm happy with how the Bartlett is knitting. I'm getting a nice drape, yet there's enough structure to support the cables for the yoke. One of the things I've seen on the finished versions of this is the lack of stability in the buttonbands. The Felted Tweed has alpaca and rayon in it... so it is a softer yarn. Some have used ribbon to stabilize the buttonbands, but I don't think I'll need it with the 100% wool. Oh and I decided to just go ahead and make the 42" and add bust darts (as I've also seen that the bust area is a problem area on most of the ones I've seen finished).

Just for fun, I dug in my closet to look at Salina:

Salina in Felted Tweed
click to enlarge

I was curious to compare the yarns... and I ended up knitting to the waist increases. I do love this yarn, but I don't think I would want it for the Tangled Yoke (see notations above). I've had this project sitting in my closet for some time, and I barely had it cast on (just the seed stitch section at the bottom was done). I'm not sure why... I know I don't love st. st., but there was some kind of mental block with this. Now that it's out of the closet, I'm having problems putting it down. The color is just stunning (and extremely hard to photograph... even after a lot of color playing in Photoshop it's still not accurate). The fabric is so soft and thin and drapey. This is going to be one nice sweater when it's done (and yes, I'll be adding bust darts to it as well... do you see a trend here?)

One more project update, then back ot my needles... this is my new Breakfast Knitting Project:

Summer Braids in Tatamy Tweed DK
click to enlarge

An other project that's sort of just been sitting here while I've been casting on other projects. Since I've moved it to my breakfast time knitting, it's progressing very nicely. the main body is done (an other one of those one piece cardigans) and the left (or is it the right?) front is done and I'm working on the back right now.

Okay, I'm off to decide what to work on. I've got three projects sitting here in front of me... and one of them will eventually be done!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hello from Sweden...Your Summer braids is look great! I really like the shade you choose. I am so glad that I found your blog again through Ravelry. I have been on a blog hiatus with my rambling knitting blog since the birth of my little girl ...nearly 20months ago! Never stopped knitting though especially for the little one. I must update sometime soon! I can remember reading you way back.... perhaps 6 years ago now and always admiring your work!
    -Lydia- (Malinky - Ravelry)


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