Friday, July 16, 2010

Short Attention Span

I'm obviously not very focused on much (other than Dragon Age... but that's a whole other issue). I've been flitting between projects, casting on new things. Ripping old and new project (as a matter of fact I think there's been more unknitting than actual knitting lately... as well as crochet).

So what's the solution? Especially when I don't knit socks?

A Sampler Afghan of course!

One of the many sampler afghan patterns that I have collected over the years (and I'm always looking for more!) This is an Annie's Attic crochet pattern won from Ebay several years ago. 30 block based on the alphabet (with 30 blocks, four of them are just basic stitches).

I'm on a roll. I have 13 blocks done (obviously need some ends woven in and some blocking) and I even had to rip an entire block and re do it (gauge issues). I forgot that I love doing these samplers so much and for some reason this one is moving very quickly. The size of the blocks help: no large sweater sitting in my lap during this hot steamy summer (and it is a VERY hot steamy summer).

I am no master crocheter (as the last couple weeks attempts at some other crochet projects that have since been frogged have proved), but I do enjoy playing around with the different stitches. At some point, maybe I'll even be able to translate these into something other than just afhgan blocks (but then... can you really have too many afghans? no, of course not, cause Project Linus ALWAYS needs them!)

So while the reviews of Dragon Age may have complained about long load screens, I see it as "crochet time"! It's all about time management folks!

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