Friday, September 18, 2009


Finishing two projects back to back has it's drawbacks... it's a double case of PPR (Post Project Restlessness). I can't focus on anything. Including something new.

Part of that is that I really want to get Patrick the 2nd done this month. While it's moving along, it's slow going. I keep seeing other projects that I would love to start, yet I feel obligated to work on Patrick. So nothing is getting done.

I think I either need to just buckle down and work on Patrick or take an other WIP/UFO and concentrate on that for a bit? It's not like I don't have 6 more projects to finish this year....

Or maybe I simply have too many empty sets of needles and it's distracting me?

1 comment:

  1. Knitting is supposed to be fun. Work on what you want to work Rendezvous!


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