Monday, March 02, 2009

Serious Spring Fever

Watching spring training games has it's drawbacks... as it sure does look nice in Arizona right now... stupid No'easter (at least we didn't get the 14" predicted... but we got enough thank you very much).

So I've been playing thru Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction again (and realized that life would be better if we all had Groovitrons). Watching spring baseball and doing the occassional knitting.

Matt's Iain is slowly progressing. I'm working on a few other projects, but nothing is getting more than a row or two done at a time. Just not in a groove.

The snow is still coming down (and it's windy), so we're staying in. Might even get some knitting done....

1 comment:

  1. Love Ratchet and Clank! My husband and I have finished them all. What was the one that turned everyone to sheep. Too funny. They need to make more.


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