Saturday, September 06, 2008


I just finished the front of the Sunrise Circle Jacket. I love the fabric a lot. The tweedy silk looks so great and it's got great drape.

Too much drape perhaps. Even tho' I shortened the sleeves 2", they went and grew on me while I was working on the front. An other 4", which brings the sleeves over my fingers. There's no way this is going to work, as while I can shortend the sleeves, there's no way to easily shorten the body. The body growning is not an option, as I don't want that back waist shaping to hit me mid butt.

So joy of joys, all the knitting I did this week was for naught.

1 comment:

  1. but the real question is....does he go commando?

    sorry, couldn't resist!


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