Sunday, September 07, 2008

Runway Sunday!

Matt was kind enough to dress up for a photo shoot this morning. Here's the finsihed Afghan Cardian.

Yes that's a hole in his jeans... and yes he wears them in public... and no, he won't let me patch them.

So the sweater is completely finished now. We found some machine washable buttons that look like leather (and yes, I had considered doing the leather ones so they could be removed for washing... but again that was too high maintance for what this sweater is. All it would take is one time to forget to do it and the buttons would be ruined. I would rather save them for a better sweater and just have this one get tossed right into the wash with no worries.)

So just to give you an idea... the yarn cost me $7.50 and the buttons cost $4. A perfect "beat up" sweater for Matt. He loves the coziness of it and he won't be concerned to wear it when doing things like cleaning out the gutters or chopping wood.

I have to say that I do really like the style of it and I do think I'll make him an other one. The original pattern used a cotton/acrylic yarn and I think Matt would like that as well.


  1. A perfect sweater! Especially for a guy.

  2. very handsome-- all he needs is a pipe to complete the look!


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