Friday, February 02, 2007

How Fast Was That???

My books arrived from Japan. Even the DHL driver was surprised.
Click the image to be taken to the website.

This book is gorgeous. A combo of lovely knitting and crochet patterns. Obviously the biggest issue with clothing from the Japanese books is sizing. I'm a wee bit fuller figured than their sizing (most are sized for about a 34 or 36" finished size). I'm not sure how much I would actually make, but I do think I can resize them to fit me. Right now I'm just enjoying looking at the patterns...

Click the image to be taken to the website.

Now this book is drop dead gorgeous. Some absolutely stunning crochet lace shawls. No sizing issues with shawls!!

The best purchase tho?
Click the image to be taken to the website.

A stunning collection of crochet stitches!

So lots to page thru and just look at. Eye Candy to be sure!

I did get a knitting tote done yesterday and I'll be putting it up later today on Etsy (still need photos of it).

I also finally got a second sleeve finished!!! Woo-hoo!!!
I'm actually hoping to finish this shrug/cardigan today. I know it won't get worn until spring/summer (if I like it... I'm still not 100% sure it's "me", but we'll give it a try!).

So hopefully that'll motivate me to finish up a few more projects.....

Have a super Superbowl weekend!!!

Keep on knittin'!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hi Cindy,

    You have some great books there -- such feminine patterns!

    I hope you don't mind my posting this here, but I couldn't find your email address on your site. My husband just started a racing/riding blog, and I thought Matt might be interested in it. I know Chris would love to see Matt's blog -- I seem to remember your giving an address for it back in the summer. Here is the address: My email is adamsdebra AT sbcglobal DOT net. We're hoping to see Floyd in Brooklyn on Wed. night. Long train ride, but so worth it!


Sorry about having to add the word verification for comments, but even with moderation, my inbox was being over run with spam. So thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!

Blogger does not give me your email address when you leave a comment, so I can not respond back to you. Keep an eye on my blog and I will try to respond there.