Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Thanks so much!

Thank you to everyone that left me happy anniversary wishes!

We had a lovely, relaxing day. Nothing really exciting. We ran some errands, went out for a yummy lunch at Iron Hill Brewery (gotta plug the team's sponsor!) and then we just spent the rest of the day relaxing.

So not much knitting to update. I spent all my knitting time on Matt's "Because I Love You" sweater. It really isn't as bad as I expected. The 2X2 rib is speeding along. Since it's not blocked yet, it looks really narrow, and I keep thinking that it's long enough, but I'm probably only to the armholes.

Now that we're down to the final run on 2006, I'm trying to get focused to see how much I can get done by the end of the year. Theresa says I can finish 4 projects. That's one every other week. Uh. Hu. We'll see. I would be happy with 2. I've had a very productive year for finishing, and I need to stay focused. A little post-Stitches "what am I doing with all this frickin' yarn????). Well, knitting it, of course. The faster I knit it up, the less it's "stash" and more actual "product", right?

I'm also hoping to finish Okami by the end of the year... and I'm not sure. Dang, this is one of the longest games I've played. Longer even than Knights of the Old Repubic. Ya, I remember I was damning George Lucas to hell for that one for sucking my life away. This one is worse. Only better (a better game... I'm not a huge RPG fan).

I've got no obligations today, which is good... it's a crappy day out there. I can turn my phone back on (let's all give a celebratory cheer that elections are over!!!) and I plan on snugging in with the pups and my knitting (okay, there will be some game playing). Maybe watch some more Scrubs on DVD.

Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you and Matt had a Happy Anniversary!!


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