Monday, October 02, 2006

Blog Break!

My blog will turn 5 this month (I forget what day I actually started blogging, and I don't have the archives back that far anymore). That's a lot of blogging over the years. I've been pretty consistant about getting something up every weekday morning.

So to celebrate this almost daily ritual, I'm taking the week off from blogging (at least at my knitting blog... I actually want to focus more on my fitness blog this week and try to get myself motivated to blog there more). I feel like I'm just going thru the motions with this blog and my knitting is a little hit or miss right now (sewing pajamas is fun!). So I'm taking the pressure off myself this week and probably won't be blogging. If I finish something, or run into something that is blog worthy, I'll post, but don't expect a daily update this week.

I'll be back next week (probably) to my regular weekday schedule.

Happy Knitting!


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Enjoy your blog break Cindy, and I'll be reading your Fitness Blog daily, hoping that you can reclaim your enthusium for that. It's hard....I know.

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Have a relaxing break from blogging, Cindy. Of course I'll miss my daily Knitting Park check in, but everyone needs a break now and then. I'm in the midst of a knitting slump myself. Good luck with the fitness focus.

  3. Cindy ,where is your fitness blog? I know you are enjoyng sewing again ,love the PJ's. Will miss your knitting blog

  4. Enjoy! Happy blog b-day!


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