Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Plan C...

I'm still not thrilled with my neckline decreases for the Not So High Neck Cabled Tank (Interweave Knits Summer 2004). I think I'll do the back and come back to the front. I might have a better idea of what I want to do with the neckline.

I have to admit I'm in a bit of a knitting funk right now. I'm not knitting as much as I normally do. After struggling with the neckline yesterday I thought, Hmmm, maybe I need to work on something else for a bit. The problem is that nothing really appealled to me... even something new.

I'm not worried, I go thru phases like this every once in a while. I'll be heading down to the TKGA Conference in Valley Forge on Friday and that should inspire me. All that fibery goodness in one spot always gets my knitting juices flowing. For now, I'll just work here and there on things that I feel like working on.

Actuall that seems to be the Landscape Shawl. I'm still enjoying knitting it, even as I only knit 4 rows a day. As the fabric gets bigger and bigger, I'm sure that average will come down, but it's still an interesting, yet easy knit.

Off to the grocery store today and dinner with our friends.
Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same funk and hoping Friday does the same for me!


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