Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday Morning

I'm still recouperating from a busy weekend. Our SnB group had a slumber party at Rosie's on Friday. I was supposed to teach the group entrelac, but everyone got the hang of it so fast, I didn't do much other than answer a few questions. It was a late night for me, and considering that I hadn't been sleeping well the last couple of nights, followed by a lot of bad thunderstorms (and a high maintance dog who hates thunderstorms), I'm feeling very sleep deprived right now.

The camera situation is getting a bit annoying. I got my old camera back from Matt so I should get some project updates soon (tomorrow?). I don't feel like I have a whole lot to show. I must admit that I'm spending a lot of time with Ratchet and Clank 2 right now (did I mention that I get a Sheepinator weapon. I get to turn my enemies into sheep. Aaaaawwwww).

I did manage to get the back of the Rose Leaf Pullover done at the slumber party and the first sleeve is cast on with one repeat done. I also have the second denim sock at the heel turn and that's about it.

I got my new issue of Cast On magazine over the weekend. Wow, there's about 4 or 5 things in it I would make (I bet Kristen and I have our eye on the same patterns...). However, there's a man's sweater that starts at a 52" (it's listed as a S/M)???? They must be joking. That's as bad as a woman's XL sweater being a 38" (and yes, I saw that in a Vogue Knitting issue).

Well, it's a dreary, rainy Monday morning, with a forecast of more of the same thru the week. Sounds like a good day to stay in, play some games, do some knitting. Oh, Jake does need dog food, so I guess I do need to venture out...

Happy Knitting!


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Wish I could have stayed over for the get together at Rosies but alas needed to get home. Glad you had a good time.
    That XL with a 38 bust sounds like the 50s when:
    SM was 32
    M was 34
    L was 36
    XL was 38
    I do sort of laugh at the sizing now but most of us are a bit larger than in the 50s so guess they need to accomedate us. At that time I was a 30 NO bust.

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Yes, I bet we are talking cables! I noticed that crazy sizing on the man's sweater. I thought it's a very nice sweater but do not want to have to refigure the pattern to fit a realistic man's size M.


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