Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Drive By Blogging...

Just a quick post today (and no photos) as I'm heading out with Lauren to do a little mini yarn crawl.

I'm finishing up the little entrelac satchel with attatched I cord and I'm at the handle. I'm going to get a couple more skeins of the Kureyon to do another. I think it needs just a bit of fine tuning.

I'm also working on a Cotton Fleece pullover that I had started years ago in Paton's Paradiso. However, I didn't like working with the yarn and I'm making this one 10" smaller. I broke my plateau on today's weigh in, and this is a good project to celebrate my almost 65 lb weight loss...

It's overcast, gray and drizzly today, so it wouldn't photograph well anyway.

The High Fiber (iow: yarn) diet seems to be working well... need to celebrate with some new yarn today!!!


  1. You guys have an awesome day! Just need it and you deserve it!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! Have fun today!

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Congratulations on breaking the weight plateau. Definitely celebrate in a fiber-y way!

  4. thanks everyone!!! yarn and patterns were purchased!!!


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