Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Rock And A Hardplace

All the fun bits on the entrelac vest are done.

Now I can choose to work on the boring stockinette stitch back in black:

Ya, that's fun.

Well, I could weave in all those ends from changing skeins every row:

Ya, that's fun.

Well, one's done and I do have some done on the boring black back.

I'm meeting friends to knit and visit, and that's perfect for boring black back knitting...


  1. I had wonderful entrelac dreams last night because of your vest! I wish I could remember more clearly, but I was sitting around a table laughing with friends and knitting an amazing sweater, similar to your vest front but the green bits kept forming into frogs and hopping onto the table. --Sylvia

  2. Oh I hear ya, I'm now thinking about all these wonderful entelac things... tho' I'm not sure I like frogs that near my knitting!!!


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