Monday, January 02, 2006

Is Lasso a Verb?

So I'm Lasso-ing away!

I so do love the way the basketweave is popping out on this sweater! Now I just need to get the back done.

Yep, I know it's Monday, which means "classwork", but today still feels like a holiday, as Matt is still on vacation. We have few things we want to do today (after his morning bike ride...). Maybe I'll do one swatch or at least some of the writing I need to do for the Basics, Basics, Basics class.

Plus I've got to work on the Selfish Challenge KAL! I hope to get a couple of repeats done on the back section of the Lasso Gansey!!

Yep, a short blog today!
Have a great Monday and Happy Knitting!!!


  1. Happy New Year!

    I confess I am a bit confused about your picture-- is that a completed front and you are now working on the back as an attached part? Looks very interesting, and the basketweave is really nice.

  2. okay, I have to admit, explaining the construction on this sweater is a bit confusing. The rope pattern is knit length wise, then the yoke is picked up and worked until it splits for the sleeves. the fronts and back are worked seperately. So yes, you're seeing the front and a partially knitted back with the armhole opening in between. Did that explain it?

  3. Yep, pardna Lasso is a verb. Example: "Lasso that darned filly before she heads down yonder."

    I Really like the color you are using!

  4. ok, I think I have it now. Thanks!


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