Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Knitting Year!!!

Well, I had taken pictures of our Stitch n Bitch New Year's Party for Losers (meaning that we counted down the new year at 9:00 and went home around 10:30), but I'm still getting used to my new camera and none of the pictures turned out.

What a great night of knitting, eating and meeting "the spouses". A perfect night for the kids and us weenies that can't stay up til midnight!

So a new year and a new set of goals.

I'm going to try to stick to a schedule this year. Certain days will be concentrated towards specific goals. Mondays will be for "classwork"... I'm going to finish up the Basics, Basics, Basics class then tackle the Master Knitter Level I program. I want to finish that this year! I'm also going to take one day a week for Project Linus... I'm thinking Thursday, but I'm going to keep that one more flexible so I can stay in the mood.

Today also kicks off the Selfish Challenge KAL! I'm going to focus on the Lasso Gansey and the Cropped Cardigan Redux.

The Lasso Gansey is moving along very nicely! I have the fronts done and I've started the back. The more I work on it, the more I'm loving it!

The Cropped Cardigan Redux is still slowly progressing, too. One sleeve is done and I've cast on the second and have maybe one or two repeats finished.

Well, off to figure out how to use my new camera so I can get pictures up on this blog!!!!

Have a Happy New Knitting Year!!!!


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Happy new year!

  2. Happy New Year Cindy! Did your computer arrive?

  3. Happy 2006 to you and Matt! I like your stash bins (below)...looks like a yarn shop there! ;) What a beautiful shawl you received too!

  4. Thanks for the Happy New Years wishes everyone... and right back atcha!!!

    Nicole... nope, no computer, and don't get us started. Basically Fed Ex has some kind of lying policy as to when they are going to deliver a package (3 people said it would arrive on Saturday... even when we called at 10:30 pm we were told that they had until 12:00 am to deliver it. uh-hu). So new we have to wait until Wednesday.

  5. Thanks a lot..
    No doubt - I'll go on knitting.
    Happy new Spring!


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