Tuesday, January 03, 2006

No Knitting Means Housecleaning...

I'm having some shoulder issues that causes pain down my left arm and hand. So I'm taking a little break. No knitting, no crocheting and no gaming (sigh).

However, I was planning on doing a little house cleaning anyway... rather some yarn and project cleaning.

Wow, what a mess! I've got globs of projects started that I need to catalogue and decide what I'm going to do with. I've got stash yarn that needs to be moved up to the stash room. I've got yarn I'll never use that will go up on Ebay.

So today, I'll be pulling out bins of projects. Deciding what to do with them (finish, frog, reassign, sell), getting a picture of the work in progress and getting my UFO page up and running again.

So no progress pictures for a couple of days... but I'll have some UFO sitings instead!

Happy Knitting!!!


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sorry to hear about the pain that is keeping you from knitting- hate when that happens. But as you say it's a good opportunity for organizing that stash. Oooh- that stash! I'll be checking your Ebay listings! A couple ways I get rid of yarn: Once or twice a year my guild has a yarn swop. Usually I will bring, but not take home, yarn. At swops I can get rid of even partial skeins. When a guild member hosts a meeting or party at her house, I'll bring a skein or two of nice unused yarn (left overs or something I'll never get to) as a hostess gift.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Happy New Year !

    Love your gift shawl [such beautiful knitting] and the pics of your stash !

  3. Sorry about the pain, it sounds like it's all through your arm, yikes! Glad you're taking a break so it doesn't get worse! I keep looking for the Galway-Lavender in your stash ;-). Take care, Tori

  4. Thanks everyone... the stash clean up might not have been a good idea either. Since it's really a shoulder problem, I think I need to rest the entird body...

    Tori: second closet, middle section at the very top (heeheehee)

  5. oops, Tori, it's in the first picture (I think of that as "the second closet)


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