When Keith dropped off the cabinets, we discovered we had a little paint color issue. We basically had painted the walls the same color as the cabinets (which sort of defeats the purpose of spending all that money on beautiful wood if they look the same as the walls!). So we repainted.
Ahhh, much better! This room has interesting color issues. The light changes so much during the day that the color really is different depending on the time of day (or even which corner of the room you are looking at).
Keith (master woodworker) has an other obligation for the next couple of weeks, so the installation is on hold. As you can see, this doesn't bother us at all (Jake and Gena have adapted to the constant furniture movement very well... as long as they have couch access, they seem cool with it all).
The 4th of July weekend is always stressful here, as Jake is scared of the fireworks. We have a couple of neighbors that love to set off illegal fireworks all weekend... plus thanks to where we are located, we hear about 3 different towns professional ones as well). He's hanging in there, but it's hard to spoil him when he's so stressed.
As for actual knitting? Well, it's been a little hit or miss right now. Of course I'm knitting, but not my usual volume. Matt's Cotton Sampler is probably the one thing that is progressing the most consistantly. I'm not quite at the halfway point on the second sleeve. I've blocked the front, so I'll be able to do the neckband while I block the sleeves. Just not focused on much of anything right now... so I'll work here and there on things that strike my fancy as the mood strikes me.
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