Monday, December 07, 2009

Year in Review continued

While I'll probably be interupting my YIR blogs with a new FO (I hope to have Matt's Aspinwall Pullover done today or tomorrow... zipper depending), let's look at two more projects I did this year.

Theresa's Central Park Hoodie

I can't do my usual summery on this, as it's with Theresa now. (and I never did get a great photo of it). I do know that I was pretty happy with it when it was done. The pattern was quick and easy and I do love the Kathmandu Aran. I know Theresa wears it, so we can assume that this was a successful project.

Summer Braids

Quick summery: second time I've used this pattern. Used Cabin Fever's "house yarn" (aka: Kraemer's Tatamy Tweed DK).

Initial Impressions: I wasn't thrilled when I finished this. I thought the yarn pilled a great deal when washed. My buttonbands are wavy (a pet peeve) and the sleeves are wider than I like (and maybe a smidge too short).

Current Impressions: I've worn this a couple of times, but I do want to fix the little issues that bother me. The buttonbands for sure and I would like to rip the sleeves back to make them more narrow. I'll do this for my Winter Olympics "Fix-It" marathon.

Final Thoughts: It still has the potential of being a favorite... just needs a little tweeking.

Okay, back to try to finish project #23 for the year. I'm hoping to get to the collar today (and that the zipper arrives).

1 comment:

  1. very pretty CPH! I never was happy with mine and am in the progress of salvaging the yarn. The second sweater is lovely - I think you are being too hard on it! But I know all too well your feeling and when I feel that way about a knit item it goes unworn and unloved.


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