Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Month Later

The granny afghan is still the main focus, with 2/3 of it sewn up. I started this afghan July 13 and worked almost exclusively on it for the past month (emphaisis on "almost" there).

I should have it finished in a few days... maybe even by the end of the weekend? I think it will come down to how big of a border I want to put on (and that might be dependant on how much yarn I have).

I was asked in my comments if I was following a plan for sewing up the blocks... and just like the color combos on the individual blocks, I'll say "sorta". I'm trying to not put too similar of blocks together, but I'm not killing myself on it. I'm stacking twenty blocks, then sewing the strip to the rest of the afghan. Each strip I'm careful to balance out the blocks, then I try to find the best match to the afghan. Sometimes I have no choice but to have two blocks similar next to each other. I simply don't care enough to rip and move. Overall, it won't really be noticable, and since it is a "scrap" afghan, it just doesn't bother me. Much.

The yarn arrived for my hexagon afghan, and I'm trying very hard to not start that until this one is done (and I have also been working on Matt's new Patrick sweater... it's a nice break from sewing to get a little knitting in too).

Okay, off to sew up a strip of granny squares.

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