Monday, July 27, 2009

Now what?

Well, le Tour is over (and I totally enjoyed this years Tour) and I still have 140 granny squares to do (plus seaming and border). I fear that the production might slow down a bit.

Actually, I am surprised at how much I'm still plugging thru these blocks. I have had momentary lapses when I didn't feel like working on them, so I try to work on something else... then end up back on granny squares. (this does not include Fallout 3... at any time I can stop working on granny squares and play Fallout 3).

I know part of the appeal is the constant challenge of color combos. Plus how quickly a square works up (forget that it takes me as long to weave in the ends as it does to crochet a block). Plus the cute little piles of granny squares.

Yesterday, my center pull skeins started tangling a bit (I've used about half of each color skein... weighed to be sure I'll have enough and it looks like I will), so I wound all the colors into balls.

This has two advantages: no tangling or yarn vomits from the center pull skeins as well as I can get a good feel for what colors I'm over/under utilizing.

Okay... back to hookin' I want to try to have 2/3 of the squares done by end of the week.

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