Friday, July 31, 2009

Addiction Issues

I consider myself fairly short attention span (hence the 112 WIP's sitting around my knitting knest). However, I seem to be on an odd journey of singular obsession:

Granny Squares.

I have to honestly say that even after making 200 little 4 round granny squares, I don't want to stop. I'm already planning my next one or two or three (Only 100 more to go on current afghan). When I'm not actually working on granny squares (or playing Fallout 3), I'm surfing for other's lovely granny squares and patterns and yarns...

I'm not sure why it's so addictive. They are so incredibly easy to make. They're small so there's a nice sense of accomplishment when I'm done with one. There is definitely a challenge of constantly playing with the color combos.

There's also a sort of old fashioned comfort aspect to them. They're very "homey" and traditional... yet with the right colors, they can be very trendy. Let's face it: Granny Squares Do Rock


  1. Watch out for "Mile a Minute" afghans. They are pretty addictive too. Like Granny Squares only in strips.

    Your squares rock!

  2. They look really great- the next challenge will be placing them for the actual afghan. How fun!


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