Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why is this taking this long????

This is a cotton vest I've been making for Matt for a really long time. It's been in and out of rotation so many times I've lost count.

This should be a fast project, but it's a higher concentration project than it appears at first glance. Since it's a knit/purl combo, I have to pay attention on the right/wrong sides. Plus I have to pay very close attention when doing any shaping. Then I of course had to tweek the pattern for Matt ('cause I can't leave well enough alone). The styling is off the shoulders, which doesn't suit Matt's body type. So I brought the shoulders in a bit (hopefully not too much). I am now concerned that the narrow shoulders styling might be too tailored for the relaxed style of the vest (and the cotton yarn).

It is almost done, and I might go ahead and finish it as is. If it doesn't suit, I only have to fix the upper half and it would take a lot to fix. Or I could take it back out of rotation (again) and work on something else!

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