Friday, January 09, 2009

Quick Jake Update

Jake is resting semi comfortably. When he took his spill on the icy deck, he ruptured his tumor, or at least part of it. His back leg is very swollen and bruised. Good news is that nothing is broken (he can put weight on that back leg). So it's a matter of time for all the blood that was expelled to be work itself out. He's very sore, very stiff (and milkin' it for for cookies, which he will eat).

Thanks to everyone with the concerns! We're hoping he'll be on the mend soon.


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm glad you got good news, Cindy. Take care of your fur-baby!

  2. Poor Jake! Oddly enough, I had a similar kind of injury this past summer, and it's pretty miserable.

    Please give him a pat from me.


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