Sunday, December 07, 2008

Skeet Shooting?

I've been plugging away on Cassidy, finishing up the second sleeve and tackling the right front. I'm just about to cast off the right front when I noticed a huge ass error:

Can ya see it? How the left side has the 2 3-stitch cables side by side, yet the right side only has the one 3-stitch cable?. Argh. Did I mention that I'm at the shoulder shaping?

So I'll be laddering down the entire length of the right front to fix that 2X1 cable... but maybe not today. And here I thought I would be blocking this baby today!

Seem to be having a string of dumb mistakes... maybe it's time to research a new hobby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry for you. This is what *I* do. I'm waiting to do something similar to this over about 12 sts - all to change a row from knit to purl! Hopefully for you this will zip away. The Cassidy is beautiful. I have this on my list to do.


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