Wednesday, January 23, 2008

If Startitis is a Disease

I don't want the cure!

Eyelet Cardi
Eyelet Cardi by Chicknits in Cascade Key Largo
click to enlarge

Yes, I know I have two Sitcom Chics in my wardrobe already. Let me say that my Cara Mia is getting a lot of wear this winter. It's perfect around the house, but a little too big to wear out. So I had made the Adara Chic one in the right size and I wore that a lot thru the summer and fall. The fit and style is very me and I find knitting them was very appealing.

So what could be better than a third Sitcom Chic? Why, a top down/dk weight version, of course!

I love top down construction. I like being able to try it on (like Beatrice). It's much easier to minimize seaming. Plus, increases are less bulky than decreases (and I find my increases neater looking than my decreases).

So while I'm still working on the body of Beatrice (a little more than 5 skeins to go!), I cast this baby on! The Key Largo (long discontinued) is knitting up like a dream. I have a huge stash of this yarn and just haven't found the right project for it. This hits the bill perfectly!

Tho' that Silky Tweed version looks tempting too, doesn't it?


  1. It looks great so far! If a pattern works, why not make it again in a different color?

    Hope training season is off to a good start there. :)

  2. How is Eyelet Cardi different from Sitcom Chic?

  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Looking good! I love working top-down too. What is your increase of choice?

    -non-Blogger Carey


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