Tuesday, April 24, 2007

General Stuff

We watched Children of Men last night. I don't recommend it. It's still effecting my mood this morning. I am super snarky. I just deleted a long tirade on anonymous comments on my blog. Just as a quick summery: please leave some kind of signature when you leave me a comment. I'm uncomfortable with people leaving me comments that don't want me to know who they are. I'm sure that is not the intent of most anonymous comments, but it would just make me more comfortable having some kind of signature. Thanks!

In response to the anonymous commentator, I have to say that you seem to be an isolated case. Going by other comments, and several other people checked my site for me, the photos are loading fine for them. I'm guessing that either you are on dial up and the page is timing out before the photos load or you need to update your browser.

Debby: I do have some nice small projects that I mix in between the big stuff. I have an other Jamaican bag in the works and the summer crochet pullover (crochet is always faster). I switch between things as the mood strikes me. The Shoalwater is definitely a long term project, since I decided on doing it in such a fine weight yarn... and lace really isn't my "thing". Great job on doing hills!! Oh Matt loves the hills. Feel that burn in the legs!!!! heehee... sadly it looks like his favorite hill race isn't going to be held this year (Mt. Nebo). Maybe too many racer threw up last year?

Kate: well, Matt didn't crash... but there were some, and some nasty ones. I know at least one racer broke his collarbone. In bike racing it's not a matter of "if" you crash, but "when". As Matt says, there's absolutely no daydreaming in the peleton. One moment of not paying attention, and you go down. As far as talented knitter goes: isn't that the pot calling the kettle thing? Since we knit a lot of the same projects???

One last piece of admin stuff: I think I'm missing emails. I've been trying to get my email easier to read on my PSP so I've been playing with the settings and I think some of my emails got lost in the shuffle (since I missed several emails from Blogger about comments to be moderated). So if you've sent me an email and haven't heard back, I didn't ignore you! So if you want to send it again, please do!

The knitting: okay, so I fixed 2 out of the three miscrossed cables on Matt's SOA, both sleeves are finished and I'm now working the back (no photo, as it really doesn't look much different than yesterday's pic). The other miscrossed cable in on the front, and I'll ladder down when I get there.

I'm going to take a break from it today. Even though the Cotton Ease is nice to work with, it can be a little draining on the hands. I think I'll switch up today and work on some crochet stuff. Maybe play a little Ratchet and Clank (which has been very frustrating... very un-Ratchet and Clank like). I think I'll throw a funny movie in as well...something stupid funny (I don't like depressing movies).

Keep on knittin (or whatever strikes your fancy!!!)

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Sorry about having to add the word verification for comments, but even with moderation, my inbox was being over run with spam. So thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!

Blogger does not give me your email address when you leave a comment, so I can not respond back to you. Keep an eye on my blog and I will try to respond there.