An other not quite interesting post today. Not much new to show.
I think I sorta peaked on my knitting, as I'm having problems focusing on it right now. However I did do something BIG yesterday...
My sewing room is now usable! Wow! It actually didn't take me as long as I thought it was going to (and we won't discuss the closets... those are day projects all onto themselves).
I have a couple of sewing projects that I would like to work on. I have a queen size quilt top done that I need to quilt. I also would like to make some summery clothes.
I looked at my patterns to see what I have. I have a huge selection of different sizes! However, nothing is quite as sobering as looking at sewing patterns for sizing. Since ready to wear clothes manufacturers do vanity sizing, and patterns don't, it really is a bit of a wake up call as to what size I wear (sewing patterns use the same sizes as they did post WWII). 20 years ago a size 10 in sewing patterns is the same as a size 10 today. There's no way I can wear that now (that's what I wore 20 years ago, btw). However, in ready to wear clothes, a size 10 today is actually much larger than it was 20 years ago. So looking at my measurements and my patterns is a much better indication of how my weight is doing rather what size I'm buying at the store. It's also a good motivator.
Now I just need to learn my body again so I can adjust the patterns to how my body has changed over the last 2 decades...
I do want to get back to my knitting. Matt's vest is sort of stalled. I'm just about at the armhole shaping on the back. I have yet to cast on the back for the Rose Leaf Pullover and I would like to get that on the needles. So today I might for go the spring cleaning and do a little knitting... I mean, sunlight still breaks thru my windows, so they can't be too dirty, right?
quilt?? I heard that! Yippee!