Monday, April 10, 2006


I finished up the front on the Rose Leaf Pullover

I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out. I did think it was going to be longer, but my experience with Cotton Fleece is that it will stretch a bit over time, so I'm hoping this one grows just a bit (and I plan on making the sleeves shorter with the same hope).

However, I've been feeling a bit guilty over all the "me" knitting. So I started a project for Matt. He wants a ribbed turtleneck (yawn), but I just can't seem to work on wintery projects right now. So we settled on a cotton vest:

This is a Melissa Leapman pattern from her book A Close Knit Family (a lovely collection of designs). I'm doing some minor changes to the pattern. Matt didn't want pockets (fine with me: less knitting) and he wants the shoulders a little smaller. Similar to the cabled vest I made him for Christmas. I'm using some of the Pakucho cotton and I "pre-shrunk" it. I'm hoping that it won't shrink too much more.

So that's all the knitting that got done over the weekend. I spent Saturday doing a little more stash enhancing. Theresa and I headed down to Swathmore to the Mason Dixon book signing, but we were there too early. They weren't going to open up until closer to the signing. So while we killed some time (and the weather was NASTY), we thought we would hit an other yarn store. Or two. We actually ended way up in Brickersville and the Ball and Skein shop. (Don't you love walking into a yarn store and being greeted by name??). So some more yarn and patterns added to the stash (again, all summery yarns) and Theresa and I had a lovely (apart from the nasty rain) day. Plus we deserved it: Theresa's birthday was Thursday, mine's a week from today. She had some painful dental work done on Friday and I had my mamagram (which wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was... well except for that part that I was informed that I should expect to have to come back for a follow up). So ya, a nasty rainy day in one of our favorite yarn stores was a great way to spend the day.

Today I'm going to concentrate on Matt's vest and probably cast on the back of the Rose Leaf pullover. I've got to get some of this yarn knitted up!!!!

Happy Knitting!!!


  1. It's gorgeous! And so is Matt's-- I love knit purl texture patterns. Have fun!

  2. Cindy, the pullover is just beautiful...the pic dosen't do the color justice! Beautiful!

  3. Your rose sweater is coming out beautifully. Can't wait to see more!

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I love all of your projects but the Rose Leaf is simply wonderful!


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