Friday, January 13, 2006


Well, I really didn't have much left to do, so I figured I would just finish it up yesterday. (I really should learn to read better... there's a big difference between "for" and "to" in crochet directions...)

That's the Chanson en Crochet from Wrap Style. I'm sort of "eh" about it. It was fast (when I took the time to read the directions). We'll see how it looks when it's done blocking.

Other than that I did finish up the sleeve increases on the Cropped Cardigan Redux. I think I can have that baby done by the end of the weekend. About 14 more repeats on the staghorn pattern and then a little seaming!

Not much else planned. Oh, well collect bolts in Ratchet and Clank...

Well, off to collect bolts get a few repeats done on the Cropped Cardy sleeve.

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. I don't know what Ratchet and Clank is , but it sounds like my kind of video game-- I like the collect stuff kind. And your wrap is really great!

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    The wrap is so pretty. That's the kind of patern that makes me almost want to learn to crochet!

  3. It's a great little platformer with weapons "not fit for this world" (that's the ad campaign). I need 150,000 bolts to buy the RYNO (that's Rip Ya a New One) heeheee.


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