Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First Sock Done and a Meme

A scan of the first Jaywalker sock (click on the picture for full view). The second sock is still on the ribbing. Let's see if I can handle actually finishing it...

Bonnie Franz tagged me with the latest meme, so here it goes:

  • Four jobs in my life:

    1. Production coordinator/assistant art director for two different medical publishing companies (one periodical and one book)

    2. exhibits construction for the Please Touch Museum

    3. assistant manager of a retail book store

    4. professional seamstress/tailor

  • Four Movies you could watch over and over:

    1. Monty Python's The Holy Grail

    2. When Harry Met Sally

    3. Blazing Saddles

    4. The Sure Thing

  • Four Places you have lived:

    1. Bellefonte, PA

    2. Philadelphia, PA

    3. Norwalk, CT

    4. West Chester, PA

  • Four Places you have been on vacation:

    1. Disney World

    2. The US Virgin Islands

    3. Alaska

    4. Antwerp, Belgium

  • Four websites you visit daily:

    1. the blogs on my bloglist

    2. www.gamefaq.com

    3. Old Grandma Hardcore

    4. Elann

  • Four of my favorite foods:

    1. pizza

    2. ham

    3. most anything with cheese...

    4. crack, also known as Baked Cheetos

  • Four places you'd rather be right now:

    1. nowhere, I'm very happy right here

Okay, that took me longer to code than it did to come up with the answers. Hmmm.

Matt's home yet today, but his pox are clearing up nicely. I'm sure he's no longer contagious, but we're playing on the side of cautious so one more day in (but I'll wager that he goes out on the bike today... any takers?).

Have a great day and Happy Knitting!!!!


  1. People with little feet have such an advantage... Just kidding, it looks great! Why don't you like to knit socks again?? I'm blocking my sweater prior to seaming... 1 step closer to the olympics!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I'm happy at home too...Oh, I'm betting Matt rode today; I know nothing can stop a biker!

  3. Kate: yep, the small feet make for easier sock knitting, but harder to find shoes. I'm not sure why I don't like knittin socks. Just don't particularly enjoy them.

    Kristen: oh ya, he rode (he rode the trainer every day except the two days of the fever). I've come to the conclusion that it's some kind of disease...


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