I still don't get the whole photography thing... one day I get great photos, so I think "oh, I found the right settings"... then the next day it looks like total krap.
Anyway, my Mondo Cable Cardi is progressing very quickly with the body just about done. Just a few more inches, then I'll do the collar. Then the sleeves. I'm very glad I chose this yarn, as it's nice and drapey (important with A line shaping). Plus so soft and comfy. I'm looking forward to casting the bottom off so I can actually see what it's going to look like on my figure.
Meanwhile, I am also progessing very quickly on the Kool Kardi:
The first sleeve is done and attached to the body and I'm well into the second sleeve. (and the coffee cup say "Luck Off, I'm knitting"... ya that's it. As I'm way too lady-like to have a coffee cup that says what you think it says... heehee).
I'm on a definite Chicknits kick again (I find her designs very "knittable" with the added bonus of being very wearable... which is why the Kool Kardi is #4 on the Ribby Cardi/Pulli line for me). I've already downloaded Miss BB and have the Black Water Abbey yarn ready to go. Need to finish either of the two projects shown here or Patrick (which is also progressing... but not really photo level progressing, as the front looks EXACTLY like the back so far).
Okay... an other cup of coffee, then the decision on which project to work on. Hmmm, I might shower at some point, too.
Excellent mug. I love it!