Monday, May 19, 2008


I minored in procrastination when I was in college. It's actually quite productive. When I'm avoiding something I don't want to do, I get a lot done. I vacuum. I do laundry. I clean out the fridge. I work on other projects...

Vanna's Tote Bag
click to enlarge

I started this tote bag last year. It's a simple crochet bag (free pattern from Lion Brand) to be done in cotton. Well, I had some Vanna's Choice and thought it would make a nice sturdy bag. Got so far, and put it aside to do other things. While procrastinating on my second sleeve for the Cindy Must Knit This Cardigan, I decided a little crochet would be a nice break. Within a day I had it almost done (I have one large pocket to finish). I still will have to line it and seam it up, but it's going to be a nice little tote bag when finished.

But I can only procrastinate so much... and I did get the second sleeve to the sleeve cap yesterday. So today will be the day... to figure out the right ratio of decreases to get this cap to fit. I did block the fronts and back over the weekend, so I can also seam up the shoulders and get the front ribbing on. That's not really procrastinating... since I'm working on the same project, right?

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