Friday, February 19, 2010

Settling In

I know, I know, not much posting going on right now. Quite frankly, there's not a lot of knitting going on (yes, I am still totally addicted to Mass Effect 2. Yes I am now on my 6th playthru. No, I am not tired of it).

Anyway, Benny is settling in nicely... especially with Matt. He goes where Matt goes. I'll do in a pinch, but the boys have definitely bonded.

I'm still adjusting to his size. He's half the size of Jake, which makes him 1/3 of the size of Gena. (not quite: Gena is a little over 50 lbs and Benny is about 20 lbs). He is full of energy and curiosity. As Matt says, he's very binary. He's either up and looking for trouble, or he's snuggled in on your lap. He's a huge snuggler.

So that's the focus right now (with a little Mass Effect 2 thrown in). I'm sure the knitting groove with return... hmmm... wonder when Mass Effect 3 is due? Rumors are 2011... must begin preparations!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going very well! Benny is such a cutie!


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