Monday, November 02, 2009

Do I know how to swatch or what?

This was supposed to be just a swatch (ya, doesn't everyone cast on almost 200 stitches to swatch?). Okay, it was more of a "I'll just cast it on so I have something mindless for a bit". All that 2X2 rib followed by all the st. st. should've been a nice just pick up and knit mindlessly when I needed a break from the cables of Portland.

Well, it was so mindless that I had those sections done in a few days, and here I am just a few inches short of splitting for the armholes. Hmmm. This seems to be a "right yarn/right pattern" thingy.

This is actually the third yarn I've tried for the Fylingdales Cardigan (found in Lisa Lloyd's book A Fine Fleece*). The Bartlett is a little rough, but I'm thrilled with my fabric and color. I had to do MAJOR photoshop playing to even get it close the the rich Wild Grape color I'm using. I'm having problems putting it down... even to play the new Ratchet & Clank game (okay, I'm knitting during the cutscenes, so I can do both at the same time!). Today will be more of the same, with a few loads of laundry (the knitting housewife's favorite chore: feels like I'm accomplishing something "housewifey", but in fact I have globs of time to knit between loads!)

*Normally I would link to the webpage, but both Lisa Lloyd's knitting website and the book's offical site have become dead links. I'm truely hoping this is a temporary problem and both will be back up and running again soon, as I love Lisa's work and just love to browse her patterns and look at the alternative photos of the patterns from the book (including some great mods she did).

1 comment:

  1. That's a gorgeous color. Ratchet and Clank has such a great name. I have no idea what it really is, but is sounds fun!


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