Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Matt & I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Yes, an other freakishly accurate avatar for Matt (those are our Xbox live avatars, btw). As a matter of fact, I think it's even better than his South Park avatar.

The Xbox avatars are quite fun. A bit like playing with paperdolls. Matt actually doesn't play, but I set him up with an account so I could do the acheivements again for Bioshock. It was worth getting him an account purely for that avatar!

I'll be back with some updates after the first of the year (and if you track me on Ravelry, you'll know I'm busy adding stash).

Have a safe and happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    A Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year to you too, Cindy and Matt.



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