Monday, August 25, 2008

Well, I'm Glad The Week is Over

So apart from the Olympics, we didn't have a very good week. Knowing our time with Jake is now limited has been pretty hard for both of us. Then there was that whole allergic reaction Matt had to some fish. Oh and I haven't been able to fix Cornwall. The collar is way too tight, even after doing three different bind offs (the tubular looked great... and that is what I'll use when I re do it). It's going to be more in style with what Matt likes (and it looks great... too bad he can't get it over his head). I'm going to rip it back and pick up more stitches. However, not right now. I would rather work on some other things.

I've been able to get some progress done on Cassidy, and the first sleeve is past the elbow. Jake has calmed down a bit (I think he was pretty beat up from his tumbles down the stairs) so I've been able to get a little more time with knitting.

Today I'm going to do some much needed housework. A little vacuuming and some laundry. No morning Olympics to watch! No basketball or soccer or handball or waterpolo! I will miss it! (however only two years before the hockey and curling!)

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