Friday, May 23, 2008

I looooooove sleeves

Since I'm on this "finishing" kick, I'm knitting a lot of sleeves right now. I think I have mental issues with sleeves.

Back in college is was a feet thing. When I had life drawing classes, I would always try to center my figures so that the feet were cut off. I simply can not draw feet.

I'm beginning to think I can't knit sleeves without issues.

Well, the Cindy Must Knit This Cardigan (which should probably be renamed "Cindy Must Wear This Cardigan") ended up being a fairly simple fix. Also my Mermaid sleeve looks much better as I've progressed (I'm not used to side to side sleeves... it's a hard visual adjustment).

However, on a super simple project, I still have sleeve issues. And dumb ones at that.

Matt's Sampler Cardigan in Cascade 220
click to enlarge

I'm knitting the sleeves top down (one less seam to sew) and the first sleeve is almost done. That's the second attempt on it. My first the sleeve decreases weren't working (the sleeves were coming out way too wide). So I frogged back and did them more often. That looks better.

Ah, but there's still a problem. One I didn't notice until I started the wrist ribbing. The fabric feels "different". Huh? I used the wrong size needle for the sleeve. Don't ask me how I did it... but I used a 7 instead of a 6 (which would explain why my sleeves were coming out too wide, eh?). So even tho' I've now knit this ONE sleeve twice... I'll be frogging it back to knit it a third time. So this cardigan will have had 4 sleeves knit for it before I'm done.

Oh well. At least it's an enjoyable knit (I do love this pattern... this is my third version of one of these... and I'll probably will knit it again and again.) I think I'll frog off that sleeve then do the button band (and extend the pockets by about 2") before I tackle the sleeves. Again.

At least I'm prepared...


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Is the sampler cardigan your own pattern?

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    My sampler cardigan has been in time out after my 4th sleeve attempt. Too tight, too weird with the bands at the at the top (getting sort of a Hulk arms look). Etc, etc, etc.... Mayber your success will inspire me to get it out and finish it.


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