Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why I Don't Like Cleaning

So I have this notebook. With ALL my good knitting notes in it... you know, my Spring Forward, Matt's SOA, etc.

That's what it looks like, just in case you run across it somewhere. I checked my Fall Back Cardigan project bag and it's not in there. It's not in any of my travel bags (as I take it my classes a lot to show students how I work my numbers). It's not next to my knitting nest... and I think that's the problem. We did a family room re-do this year and stuff got rearranged. Well, I obviously rearranged it some place "safe".

It's not the end of the world... but I'm on the second sleeve of my Fall Back and it has my notes for what I did for my first sleeve. Plus all those fab notes about Matt's SOA which is quite handy.

Ya, house cleaning is very overrated.


  1. Oh no! I hope it turns up. I most often lose things right after I've moved them to a safe place.

    I do so love your Spring Foward!

  2. I know how you feel! I have been doing a lot of rearranging of stuff lately. Stuff just gets misplaced but they seem to show up when you least expect it to.


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