Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Cotton Ease Love

No pictures today, but I'm halfway done with Matt's Gedifra sweater. The back is done and one sleeve. I'm debating if I want to do the other sleeve or the front next.

I have to say that st. st. sleeves are not a favorite thing for me to knit. (Yawn) For some reason, that first sleeve flew off my needles, and I think it's simply that I like knitting with the Cotton Ease. The tighter gauge looks fab (and very even) and the fabric feels wonderful. There is a reason I'm obsessed with this yarn!

I've been playing around with some other things, but when I'm knitting, it really is mostly on Matt's sweater. I will say that Mr. Greenjeans is all finished except for the neckband ribbing. For some reason I'm procrastinating on it. So close, yet just not motivated to finish it up (probably a spring thing... it's way too warm to wear any time soon, but I should just get it done so it's done, eh?).

Oh, and a quick Ratchet & Clank update. I've now played thru twice: once normally and once in challenge mode... now I'm going thru to try to get all the gold bolts/skill points.

Okay, off to do a little knitting this morning before I tackle some game playing!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the Cotton Ease too. Every time I pull my Garnet out of the dryer and it's still the same shape, I love Cotton Ease more. I'm just getting ready to order some for another Spring Forward. I hope they come out with some more colors!


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