Thursday, January 31, 2008

Too Busy Knitting

I'm on a roll!

I didn't get a picture of Patrick this morning, but I'm progressing on the front. I really only work on 4 rows or so a day.

However, other things are progressing a little faster:

Ribby II
by Chicknits in SilknWool
click to enlarge

My new Ribby. The color in the photo doesn't do this one justice. I'm using Moda Dea's Silk n Wool and that's the Plum colorway. I'm going to do the sleeves in Pewter. I can't say enough about how lovely this yarn is. It's a wool/silk blend. It's delightful to knit and the resulting fabric is soft with a great drape. I hope they expand the color selection, as I absolutely love it so far.

My eyelet cardi is stalled a bit. I need to find my shorter length circ needles so I don't have to do the entire sleeves on DPN's.

Eyelet Cardi
by Chicknits in Key Largo
click to enlarge

Again, I'm loving how this yarn knits up. There's a reason I snapped up a lot of this yarn when it was discontinued. The cotton/alpaca blend is so soft, the colors are so vibrant. I have to say that I'm really looking forward to wearing this come spring.

So, I'm sure you're wondering what I cast on? 'Cause you know I did.

Dollar and Half Cardigan
by Veronik Avery in Katia Papiro
click to enlarge

I'm "swatching" The Dollar and a Half Cardigan from the spring 2007 issue of Interweave Knits. The Papiro is an other old stash yarn, and is working perfectly with the pattern (it's a cotton/linen blend). The color isn't one I normally wear, but it seems right for the cardigan and the stitch pattern.

Hmmm, so that's two projects from really old stash. (I think I bought both of those yarns 7 or 8 years ago? sheez, has it been that long already?). I've got to start digging thru some of that stuff. There's some great yarns shoved into my storage shelves that need to find some projects.

Today's goal is to find those 16" circ needles for the Eyelet Cardi and try to finish the back of Ribby II. Let's hope while I'm searching for the needles, I don't accidently cast something else on....


  1. Have fun, thats all that matters. All of your projects look great to me.

  2. Your new projects look great! I'm sorry about Beatrice. I have a sweater like that, boxy 80s style that only grew wider with washings as it's 100% cotton. Never again. :)


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