Thursday, January 05, 2006

Some Info on the Japanese Books...

I got a comment yesterday from Sue asking me about how to order the books I got from the site. It never showed up in my comments and I don't have an email address (since comments come from Blogger). So I'll answer here.

The site is in Japanese, but you can set up some of the stuff to English and you can use a translator to sort of translate for you (like babelfish).

I found the New Styles in Heirloom Knitting by searching by ISBN, then once I was on that page, I found these other books by going thru their suggestions. You won't be able to search by using English words.

However, here's the info on the books: (and I linked to the for ya... how's that for easy shopping!)

The Aran and Guernsey Book (ISBN: 4529041557)

Stitch Dictionary (ISBN: 4529041727)

Fair Isle, Nordic and Lopi Sweaters (ISBN: 4529041565)

Traditional Accessories (I'm making up some of these titles, btw) (ISBN: 4529041409)

Clear and Simple Knitting Symbols (ISBN: 452902413X)

Clear and Simple Crochet Symbols (ISBN: 4529024121)

Crochet Lace (ISBN: 4277261221)

It cost me about $101 US to get these books (with shipping) and it took about a week and a half to get here. Some truely lovely pattern books.

Well, still not knitting (or much of anything right now) and as a matter of fact, I've got to cut back on my computer time too (I think the typing is bothering me too). Before you ask, no I'm not going to go to a doctor. He'll ask me what I do, and I'll say, Oh I spend maybe 10 hours a day knitting, crocheting or playing video games, and he'll say, you need to take a break. So that's what I'm doing. So the heating pad on the shoulder, a little more stash clean up here and there, and I'll be good to go as soon as can be...

Happy Knitting!!!


  1. Oh yeah, that really does make it easy. If I don't watch out the money is going to fly out of my wallet all the way to Japan on its own! Can I sneak a peek in your stitch dictionary at the next SnB? I'm trying to be good, but this makes it awfully hard! Hope you're feeling better very soon, by the way.

  2. Ah, soon you'll stop getting your hair cut so you can spend that money on yarn and knitting books!!!!

    I'll be sure to bring it with me :)

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    You can find some of these books at Yes Asia and request English. You can then put in the ISBN/EAN. I found the accessories book there.

  4. Fran: I've had terrible luck finding anything on the yesasia site. I tried looking for the New Styles in Heirloom knitting by ISBN and it never found it for me. The only way I EVER found it on their site is if someone had a direct link to it. Even if I did a search for knitting books, it didn't find much for me (I think it showed me one book). I also find that the site is almost 2 weeks faster in shipping.

  5. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I would love to be able to figure out exactly how to order..... when I have clicked on the Help in english it still does not work, it seems. Bummer!!

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I am fascinated by the wonderful Japanese knitting books, but being a lazy sort, was wondering if any of them have been translated into English, or at least if the book on reading symbols is available in English.

  7. The books are not availible in English. They're not difficult to translate at all, as the patterns are done in a graphics manner. One of the books I've listed is a "knitting symbols" book for children that makes understanding the symbols easy to translate (but if you knit from charts, most make sense anyway). It shows the symbols, then has pictures on how to knit that stitch.


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