Friday, January 20, 2006

Poor Matt

Matt got in to see the doctor yestday. At first it was thought that he had shingles. The problem with that? Matt's never had the chicken pox (yes, I even have verified this with his mother, as you know you can't trust him to remember something like that). Until now that is. As the day progressed yesterday, the little bumps starting popping up all over the place. It became more and more obvious that it couldn't be shingles, but rather good ol' chicken pox. Poor guy. 37 years old and has the chicken pox. The good news is that he's no longer running a fever... the bad news is that he hasn't started itching yet. I'm so not looking forward that.

Well, after some discussion, it was decided that there was no reason for me to stay home with him, so I made it to Stitch n Bitch last night anyway. Yeah! A truely wonderful evening out again... except to the distress of one little ball of Sockotta. Please send good thought to the Sockotta that it makes it way back home soon...

Speaking of socks, I thought I would train for the Knitting Olympics and give the must discussed Jaywalker socks a try.

I can see why this pattern has become popular. It's a nice balance of simple and interesting. I'm using the Simple Stripes yarn from Knitpicks (sweet tarts. yum.) We'll see if we can actually finish these. That's the training. See if I can actually finish one pair of socks...

Oh, and don't think Marilyn is being ignored, she's slowly moving along. I'll have update pics soon!!!!

Happy Knitting!


  1. Hahaha! That South Park portrait is very useful-- I hope Matt feels better soon!

    Oh-- and I can come on Saturday morning. Yay!

  2. The patterning shows up *much* nicer with your striped yarn than it does with the original variegated yarn. It takes striped yarn to new heights!, and *almost* makes me want to make a pair - now if it only came in heavy worsted to bulky wt yarn...

    Hope hubby is well soon!

  3. I thought it was bad that I had chicken pox in 8th grade. But at 37! Now that is sad. Hope it goes quickly. I love the Jaywalker colors. That's good Olympic training.

  4. See you Sat. too! Again major sympathies to Matt.

  5. Those Jaywalkers are tempting me too. Must.. not... buy.. sweettarts... yarn... even though it has been tempting me too. Surely I have some suitable yarn in my very deep sock yarn stash. ;-)

  6. Hi Cindy...I love the pattern do I think this would be good for the Ransome Socks I have to do...Hopefully I will see you tomorrow morning!

  7. Condolences to Matt. My DD had chicken pox three times!!! The doctors said that you're less likely to repeat it if you have a humdinger of a case. Aveeno oatmeal baths really do help. --Sylvia

  8. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Poor Matt! Though better to have chicken pox than shingles, which is said to be incredibly painful and the pain can last for months. I couldn't understand the brouhaha over the jaywalker socks from the original photo- too muddy looking to see the pattern- but yours I like!

  9. Hope Matt is on the mend! I've heard Chicken Pox as an adult can be awful! Love the Jaywalkers!

  10. Love your socks- now I have to go get that yarn! I've "tagged" you- don't know if you're into it but if you are, questions are on my blog!


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