Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Clean up makes for a boring blog!

Still putting things away. Yes it's taking me a while. I blame Ratchet and Clank.

Had a quick, yet lovely visit with Kate yesterday and got a few rows done on the Cropped Cardigan Redux.

The bins are back in the closet so now it's just a matter of dealing with these orphans... projects that need to be frogged, yarn that needs to be put up in the stash room and yarn sorted out for ebay.

On top of all this yarn, all these projects and overwhelming amount of patterns, some new yarn came yesterday.

It was on sale.

50% off

How could I resist?

Sadly, not 2 days after I ordered it, I got a flyer with a coupon for free shipping (argh), but it was still a good deal!

Now what in the world do I do with it? (20 skeins).

Off to do some laundry and try to find space for my new yarn....


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Oooh, great additon to the stash. There's always room for one more!

  2. I agree! Always room for just a little more. Yarn is squishy. Thanks for meeting me yesterday-- I am just a row or two away from ending the lace pattern on those sleeves. Yippee! OH, and I LOVE those books. Thanks for sharing.


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