Wednesday, December 28, 2005

new camera means more pictures, right?

nope, not today... too busy!

Matt got me a boatload of stackable cube shelving for Christmas and I'm busy playing sorting and organizing my stash. Yum!

As I said, Matt's on vacation this week, and that keeps me a lot busier with chore type stuff (truck inspection, stash organization, etc). I am getting some knitting done. I'm plugging away on the Lasso Gansey. Love love love this pattern. I've got a huge weakness for basketweave stitches and I'm loving the Merino Style DK from Knitpicks. I'm right on gauge (I'm going to use it more as a substitute for 5ply gansey yarn. Pretty color selection and it's much softer... yes, I know it won't be as durable, but I don't care!!!).

Okay, I lied... here's a picture of it. It's just too pretty not to show!

Well, back to some stash playing organizing!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    HOw can I order the Aran book, Title?


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